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Investigations with Mathematical Contexts


Multiplication, Division, Fractions & Decimals

There are just three photocopiable investigations in this section. But they will keep your pupils busy for hours!

Between the three investigations you will cover the following skills and concepts:

  • how multiplication is a rectangle
  • what factors are
  • how to make a factor rainbow
  • the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
  • interpreting remainders in division
  • rounding calculator answers appropriately
  • finding fractions of numbers.

How many ways can you make numbers by multiplying?

Multiplication Rectangles and Factor Rainbows

Are there numbers between other numbers?

Numbers between numbers

Where would you chop if you wanted to cut a metre stick into a particular number of pieces?

Chopping up a Metre Stick


Shapes and Angles

Shapes are fascinating!

There are so many things you can investigate about them and they provide a brilliant context for practising all your number skills.

There are five suggested areas for investigation here and each of them is BIG - so you can come back to them again and again to explore in more depth.

Here are the skills you will cover...

How many different kinds of triangle are there?

How many different kinds of triangle are there?

How many different kinds of quadrilateral are there?

Properties of Quadrilaterals

How would you find the perimeter and area of different 2D shapes?

Perimeter and Area of Triangles & Quadrilaterals

Is there a pattern in the angles of polygons (straight-edge shapes with different numbers of sides)?

Angles in Polygons

How many different kinds of polygon can you construct using only compasses and a straight edge?

Constructing Shapes

What is Pythagoras theorem?

Pythagoras Puzzle


Cross-Curricular Investigations

Using Dialogue: Developing investigative thinking with younger children

Thinking Teams

Browse Index of photocopiable investigations


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Maths Investigations - Challenging Children to Think about Maths