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Add and Subtract


Step 2: Adding and subtracting tens

Once you are secure with the number bonds to ten, you can use these facts to help add and subtract larger numbers.

3 + 7 = 10


30 + 70 = 100 


But first you need to be confident with the number sequence up to 100.  

A lot of early mathematical activities in school will involve counting or ordering the numbers. You can support these at home using equipment which is very easy to make.


The Counting Stick is a wonderfully versatile tool for making children comfortable with the order of any size of numbers.  It is brilliant for learning the positions of all the numbers to 100 and for estimating. 

It is definitely worth making one of these. All you need is a strip of wood marked off into ten equal sections. A trip to your local hardware store for some 2 by 1 will do the trick nicely. If you get the piece cut to exactly 1m long, you can use it for measuring activities as well.

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There are several excellent activities you can play using a couple of metre sticks. Schools purchase these through catalogues, but you can easily make your own in the same way as a counting stick. Divide the stick into ten equal sections again and mark in the tens numbers 0, 10, 20 etc. Then put smaller marks to show the individual centimetres, but only write in the 5s numbers (ie write in 5, 15, 25, etc but not 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, etc.


Two Hands One Piano is really good for consolidating the positions of all the numbers from 0 to 100. 

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Back to Back Metre Sticks is excellent for learning the pairs of numbers that add to make 100. 

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Metre Stick Jumps practises addition and subtraction of tens within 100.  

40 + 30 = 70

80 - 20 = 60


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When you are ready to venture beyond 100, Wake Up Chum is a hilarious game which teaches the crucial skill of counting over from one hundred into the next and back again.

80, 90, 100, 110, 120 


Again it is very easy to make.

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